1. If you can define freedom, it's not really freedom, is it? 2. A child's curiosity is insatiable... The day it is satiated, is the beginning of adulthood and it's the most disheartening thing to see. 3. Books are like glass... They show you your magnificent reflection when there is darkness outside and show you the beautiful outside when there is darkness inside. 4. If you want to know the truth in any religion, ask the "big guys" what they consider sacrilege. 5. It's no wonder that silence resonates with us; well, figuratively speaking. It is after all the body's natural state... 6. Funnily enough, you don't have to be happy to help someone else find happiness... Although, in the process you might accidentally find something that makes you happy... 7. We are brought into conditions unwillingly, become situations obliviously and then shape conditions unknowingly. What you do today does change the world, whether you want it or not. 8. ...
As you walk on, each step, each turn leaves behind a pug-mark that recounts the tale of your journey...