I remember a time when all I would dream of is to be a “know-it-all”. Of course, now it sounds ridiculous, but not because of the obvious reasons that come to mind. In my journey to accomplish this long forsaken dream of mine I realized at one point that the more you know, the number of people able to comprehend you dwindle down to endangerment. Once a guy with immense amount of patience and sensitivity, I now find myself irked at even the smallest of instances or completely indifferent to some delicate ones. The first reaction owed to the rare, misnamed commodity called “common sense” growing rarer and unnecessary dramatization of small things by people lacking common sense responsible for the latter reaction. It truly is a curse to be intelligent in this world. You reach an age where your parents ask you, “Found a girl yet?” And you reply by saying, “No Mom, I first want to land a good job, then I’ll think about it.” The fact is, ...
As you walk on, each step, each turn leaves behind a pug-mark that recounts the tale of your journey...